Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Well, soon our troops will be headed home. Most of them headed to rehabs and new or foreclosed maybe even rental homes. All of which mentioned will need adjustments. Big boom in many states, guess which ones! Needed: Investors to pick up notes and secure their own. It's just a matter of how you word it or look at it. It's still bargain barter. Beautiful homes, strong structures, secure investments. It's a no lose situation. I can substantiate a nice grant. Who's in? Remember don't create doubt.
This is what I'm talking about. The day after I posted this, I ask, who's going to accommodate guests that get displaced at the last minute! There is not enough lodging in the city of San Antonio.
A fire raged through  the Studio 6 hotel in San Antonio  International Airport yesterday April 20 2012. From what I hear no one was hurt Thank God, but in the same breath, people were displaced and I'm sure the madness ripples. Having worked in this field I know the sudden feeling of being in a different state and city without anywhere to go because all the hotels and lodges are full. At the same time I must call my friend and former employer and inform him that it will all work out and his property increased in value and security regardless of the tragedy at hand.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

$$$$ I HAVE NO IDEA!! $$$$


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Get Ready!

This is not a frivolous site to get you to buy or click. This will serve as a recepticle for other connections! You! And for you! An exclusive few! Because that's all you need! tl